Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It's that time of year. The one we all love. Can you guess? Man this is a cheesy beginning. It's Christmas!! Bad opening, right? Anyway, aside from how idiotic the opening was, just because the opening was about Christmas, do you think that this post is all about Christmas? Right! Wrong! Righong!! The first thing I'll say is ,or rather ask, did you put up your tree?! That's just about it for my talk on, "The Feeling Of Christmas." Now we talk about "How Many Gifts Do You Think Yo Go'nna Get!!?? The presents I'm getting are in plain sight, actually. But only the rapped ones, unfortunately. But I know a few of them. One is a Tony Hawk Ride Wii game with an actual scateboard!! Yeah. I know. Take it in. How do I know for sure, you ask? Well, I've wanted this game way before Christmas. Also one of my grandparents is getting me it so I checked the label and it was from her to me!! Best of all it was the exact size!! My sister made a wonderful gift for my grandparents that are here. I would tell you but my grandparents are going to read it so I'll tell you in the next post. Good bye now!!

1 comment:

  1. earth to my little bro, the next post hasn't happened yet... write it!
    Love Jen
