Wednesday, December 23, 2009


It's that time of year. The one we all love. Can you guess? Man this is a cheesy beginning. It's Christmas!! Bad opening, right? Anyway, aside from how idiotic the opening was, just because the opening was about Christmas, do you think that this post is all about Christmas? Right! Wrong! Righong!! The first thing I'll say is ,or rather ask, did you put up your tree?! That's just about it for my talk on, "The Feeling Of Christmas." Now we talk about "How Many Gifts Do You Think Yo Go'nna Get!!?? The presents I'm getting are in plain sight, actually. But only the rapped ones, unfortunately. But I know a few of them. One is a Tony Hawk Ride Wii game with an actual scateboard!! Yeah. I know. Take it in. How do I know for sure, you ask? Well, I've wanted this game way before Christmas. Also one of my grandparents is getting me it so I checked the label and it was from her to me!! Best of all it was the exact size!! My sister made a wonderful gift for my grandparents that are here. I would tell you but my grandparents are going to read it so I'll tell you in the next post. Good bye now!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Fantastic Mr. Fox Review

Once again I'm torn on how to start a post. Anyway, I need to get to the point 'cuz the last post was to large. So the point today is " Fantastic Mr. Fox" grades!!As you probably noticed from the picture{left}. Ok. Grade time. The one thing I did like was how it was a claymation. I would like to say the script, the order, and the scenes were completely off. It was nothing like the book. Once they built under ground houses, with tunnels connected to the three farms the book ended. Instead the farmers flushed them out. Then the best scene in the movie happened which made a few more things up as well. 1. They never filled blue berries with sleep gas and fed them to dogs. 2. They added a new character to the movie, who's name I can't pronounce. 3. There was a wolf that wasn't related to the book in the slightest. So with that I conclude Mr. Fox gets a thumbs down.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

First Blog EVER!!!!

Okay this my first ever blog. EVER!!! So I don't really know how to start writing this. But I really wanted one of these so I think I should first take in the moment. Taking in the moment.
Okay now. Time to talk about my vision of life through my view. I think I'll talk about today. So I was getting into the car with my two backpacks. {One for my school stuff and for gym}. Once in I put my bags down and started eating my breakfast, cheesetoast. For some bizarre reason, my taste buds appeal to cheesetoast.

When we got to school it was freezing outside! Which reminds me that my dad had to drive me and my sister to school. Since he had to go to work and my so loyal sister had left for class 'cuz she has very early class, I was stuck on the lower school playground, waiting for the 8:oo bell to ring, freezing my behind off!!

At gym we were doing our last Star Wars game for the year.{ I know. It's so**SOB**sad}. It was boys vs girls. The boys were the Resistance and the girls were the Empire. The game was pretty long with additional black holes and one hit and you're out for good. It ended in a tie. The girls were saying how they were gon'na win, but my friend shouted "We were the resistance and we resisted!!"

Later that day we went to the new Athletic Center. That part was kind'a boring, 'cuz we didn't get to tour the place. That was the biggest letdown of the day. Anyways, there were three people that got to cut the ribbon. {How do three people cut one ribbon anyway?} The cutters were a lower school-er, a middle school-er, and a high school-er. It happened in the gym. There was a giant hornet painted on the ground and a hornet statue. That pretty much covers everything on this subject.

Recess came before lunch, and let me tell you recess was fast and short! It was literally 5 minutes! Than came lunch. We entered and there were trays in front of us! We picked them up and saw a buffet of hot dogs, hamburgers, and cheeseburgers{whats the difference anyway!?} Then I saw it. A true beauty to boy-kind. An ice cream buffet!! Unfortunately, I had to finish my food. I did and got chocolate ice cream with marshmallows, sprinkles, chocolate sprinkles, whiped-cream, and much, much, more.

That's pretty much it, so I can happily say I finished my first blog!!!